1. Director Zhang Yimou Reported Seven Children Shocks China 张艺谋
31 aug 2015 · Recently Chinese media(媒体méi tǐ) revealed that famous Chinese director(导演dáo yǎn)Zhang Yimou might have fathered seven children.
Director Zhang Yimou Reported Seven Children Shocks China
2. Filmmaker Zhang says he has four children, apologizes - Taipei Times
3 dec 2013 · Zhang Yimou (張藝謀), the maker of Raise the Red Lantern and Red Sorghum, has two sons and a daughter with his current wife, the Yimou ...
Bringing Taiwan to the World and the World to Taiwan
3. Zhang Yimou under probe amid reports he has seven kids
10 mei 2013 · Chinese authorities have begun investigating reports that Zhang Yimou (張藝謀), one of China's best-known movie directors, has seven children ...
Bringing Taiwan to the World and the World to Taiwan
4. 张艺谋被曝有7子女引发名人超生质疑Zhang Yimou's children spark ...
8 mei 2013 · 对网友来说,除了撕开老谋子的私生活真相,老谋子是否利用“特权”超生,有没有根据国家规定受罚是他们最关心的问题。 有不少网友开始调侃有了七个孩子的张艺谋 ...
See AlsoWhat Is Black Stone (2022)
5. Zhang Yimou Secretly Had 7 Children With 4 Women? - JayneStars.com
Chen Ting and Zhang Yimou have two sons and a daughter before their official marraige. Based on their children's ages of 13, 9 and 7, Chen Ting would have given ...
Acclaimed film director, Zhang Yimou (张艺谋), has been stirring up controversy with the recent exposure that the 61-year-old is the father of seven children with four women. Six of the children were born out of wedlock. In direct violation of China’s one-child policy act, it is estimated that Zhang owes the mainland government 160 million RMB in fines.
6. 中国知名导演张艺谋身陷"超生门"_娱乐新闻 - 可可英语
4 dec 2013 · 本周一,相关计生部门确认导演张艺谋非婚生育两子一女属实。至此,数月来有关张艺谋“四妻七子”的传闻终于水落石出。
本周一,相关计生部门确认导演张艺谋非婚生育两子一女属实。至此,数月来有关张艺谋 “四妻七子”的传闻终于水落石出。
7. 双语:张艺谋被曝有七子女引发名人超生质疑 - 新浪教育
9 mei 2013 · 张艺谋再婚妻子陈婷及两个儿子的照片曝光后,在娱乐圈投下一颗重磅炸弹。记者也从知情人处辗转得知,陈婷之外,张艺谋至少和其他两个女人有染,并分别生下 ...
8. Zhang Yimou Investigated by Chinese Officials for Breaching China's One ...
Their two sons and daughter, respectively born in 2001, 2004, and 2006, were born out of wedlock. Zhang Yimou and Chen Ting did not register for marriage until ...
9. Zhang Yimou
6 sep 2016 · In an open letter on December 1, 2013, Zhang admitted that the couple has two sons and a daughter and they are willing to accept investigation ...